Last updated: January 2025
1. Introduction
1.1. By using the cloud service IV Produkt Cloud you confirm that you have read and understood this Agreement and that you have accepted these terms and conditions. IV Produkt Cloud is licensed, not sold, to you. IV Produkt reserves all rights in and to IV Produkt Cloud not ex-pressly granted to you under this Agreement.
2. Definitions
2.1. “Agreement” means this End User License Agreement.
2.2. “IV Produkt” means the company named in the imprint / corporate information and its affiliates.
2.3. “Digital Services” means any cloud services that are pro-vided by IV Produkt or its authorized third-party cloud ser-vice providers and made available for access by or through IV Produkt Cloud.
2.4. “Your Content” means Content entered by you into IV Produkt Digital Services and any output generated by you through use of IV Produkt Cloud based on such Content, excluding any third-party content or other con-tent owned or controlled by IV Produkt and made availa-ble through or within IV Produkt Cloud.
3. Intellectual Property Rights
3.1. IV Produkt Cloud is protected by copyright laws and other intellectual property laws. Title to all intellectual property rights regarding IV Produkt Cloud will always remain with IV Produkt and its third-party suppliers.
4. IV Produkt Right to Use Data
4.1. In connection with the use of IV Produkt Cloud, IV Produkt (or where required IV Produkt‘s service provid-ers or suppliers) may obtain, receive, collect, store and process Your Content, system-specific data, metadata, automatically generated data, or any other type of in-formation, data or content from you, connected devices or third parties using or having used IV Produkt Cloud (“Collected Data”).
4.2. Collected data is only used to increase the usability of IV Produkt Cloud. For further information on the use of Collected Data IV Produkt refers to IV Produkt’s Privacy Policy published on
5. Scope of license
5.1. IV Produkt grants to you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable right to use IV Produkt Cloud solely on your device within the limits of this Agreement.
5.2. IV Produkt Cloud can be used to change settings and temperatures or completely shut down connected air handling units.
5.3. The terms of this Agreement will govern any content, materials, or services accessible within IV Produkt Cloud, as well as upgrades provided by IV Produkt.
5.4. Control of any remote device or system using IV Produkt Cloud is permitted only if expressly authorized by IV Produkt Cloud, remote device or system documentation and such use is solely at your own risk. you may use IV Produkt Cloud to remotely control such device or system provided you are the owner of or are entitled by the owner of such device or system to exert such remote control.
5.5. If IV Produkt Cloud provides you with the option to add additional parties to control such device or system, you are fully responsible for their actions.
5.6. IV Produkt reserves all rights not expressly granted to you.
6. General liability
6.1. Unless otherwise is provided in the Agreement, you have no claim for damages based on whatever legal rea-son, including infringement of duties arising in connec-tion with the Agreement.
6.2. As IV Produkt Cloud can be used to change settings and temperatures or completely shut down connected air handling units, it is your responsibility to carefully con-sider the consequences of your actions when using IV Produkt Cloud. IV Produkt shall not be liable for any damage occurred because of usage of IV Produkt Cloud.
7. Choice of Law and Jurisdictions
7.1. This Agreement shall be governed by the substantive law of Sweden without reference to that jurisdiction’s conflicts of law provisions. The United Nations Con-vention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the SCC Arbitration Institute. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be Swedish.
8. Taxes
8.1. All taxes (“Taxes”) except withholding tax, charges and/or other duties imposed by the laws of your country on any payments to be made by you related to IV Produkt Cloud under or in connection with this Agree-ment, shall be borne and paid by you.
9. IV Produkt’s contact address
9.1. For questions, complaints or claims regarding IV Produkt Cloud you can contact IV Produkt Box 3103, Sjöuddevägen 7, 352 46 Växjö.
10. Future changes
10.1. IV Produkt reserves the right to update the design and features of IV Produkt Cloud as well as editing the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement without prior notice to users of IV Produkt Cloud.
11. Termination
11.1. Your rights under this Agreement will terminate automati-cally if you fail to comply with any of its terms.