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We create a good indoor climate
and save energy

Since 1969, we have specialised in developing and manufacturing energy-efficient air handling units. Today, we are the market leader and have the fastest rate of development in the industry.

By thinking innovatively and sustainably, we create indoor climates that make people feel good at the same time as conserving the Earth's resources. We can meet most needs with a number of flexible product ranges. Today our air handling units are used in thousands of schools, workplaces, hospitals, sports arenas and homes across Europe.

Watch our corporate film from 2022!

We think outside the box!

IV Produkt is a privately-owned company based in Växjö in the Swedish county of Småland that develops and manufactures innovative solutions for air handling. We have been doing this since 1969. We are a market leader in the development and production of air handling units. This position was achieved by having the highest rate of development in our industry.

We offer high quality and innovative products that make it possible to recover energy and create a good indoor climate. This has been our philosophy for many years, and has created great success for us with an average growth of 12% over the last ten years.

Our focus on life cycle cost (LCC) permeates the entire operation, from product development to sales. This is a natural part of our development work. The goal is clear. Our products will give you, the customer, the lowest total cost for purchase, operation and service. Optimised life cycle costs also create a higher property value. It ultimately all centres around a need to protect the environment and the Earth’s resources together.

With our complete range of products and the long experience we have accrued, we can find air handling solutions that satisfy most needs. We are happy to share our knowledge and aim to make it easy and comfortable for our customers to choose IV Produkt as their supplier.


Long-term partnerships with customers and suppliers is important to us. It’s a way for us to sharpen our demands even further when developing new products and manufacturing processes. Our air handling units are tested and certified by Eurovent Certification, which provides an additional sense of security for our customers. An integral part of our quality and environmental work is that we are certified according to ISO 9001 and 14001.

The long-term approach is also clearly reflected in our investments. We have made significant investments in premises for our development laboratory, production, offices and a training centre. In order to streamline and increase capacity, we have installed the latest technology in production machinery.

At IV Produkt, we contribute to something for which we all bear a great responsibility – we conserve the Earth’s resources. This means that we work in a future-oriented industry and have an important mission.

Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Our business concept

IV Produkt develops, manufactures and sells environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient air handling units.


We are in an industry for the future. A historical look back shows that this has been the case ever since the beginning in 1969. Our long-term way of thinking is reflected in our investments for the future. Through the years, we have invested strongly in facilities for development, production, offices and training.

  • 1969

    Seven entrepreneurs found the company Industriventilation

  • 1980

    Export activity is started

  • 1981

    Skanska buys the company

  • 1990

    The company moves into its premises on Sjöuddevägen in Växjö

  • 1991

    The business concept is formulated:
    IV Produkt develops, manufactures and sells
    and energy-efficient
    air handling units.

    Today, sustainability issues are high on the agenda.
    Many people talk about energy efficiency and life cycle costs,
    concepts that IV Produkt has been working on since
    the early 1990s and which we have cemented in our business concept.

  • 1993

    An in-house sales organisation is established

  • 2005

    Alf and Mattias Sjöberg buy the company

  • 2006

    The company changes its name from Industriventilation to IV Produkt

  • 2008

    We are expanding by 1,800 m2

  • 2011

    The company continues to grow and we
    are expanding with an additional 3,700 m2

  • 2013

    We continue to grow and invest for the future.

    Some of the ventures launched under our
    SEK 120 million investment programme in 2013 are:

    • Investments in new machinery, including an automated
    sheet metal processing line which produces all the shutters
    and panels for our units.

    • New logistics centre, where we can load and unload all materials under
    cover and maintain stock levels cost effectively even with future growth.

    • Construction of a Competence Centre, a meeting place for knowledge,
    conferences and training courses.

    • Development of an Innovation Centre where future air handling units
    are developed and tested.

  • 2014

    Subsidiaries are established in the United Kingdom,
    Norway and Germany

  • 2016

    Our investment program which started in 2013 is completed and our development pace is significantly increased.

    Thanks to our new Competence Center, we can carry out more training programs than ever.

  • 2016

    Mattias Sjöberg acquires the remaining shares and becomes the sole owner of the company

  • 2019

    Just in time for our 50 year anniversary, we reach a revenue of 1 billion SEK, a goal that we set in 2013 and that we have worked hard to reach ever since.

    50 years of air handling

    With plans of new investments and expanded production facilities, we now continue towards our new goal:
    2 billion SEK in 2026!


Mattias Sjöberg


+46 470-75 88 60
+46 70-630 75 33
mattias.sjoberg [at]

Björn Fredriksson

SVP Sales & Marketing Sweden

+46 470-75 88 44
+46 70-692 88 44
bjorn.fredriksson [at]

Magnus Lind

SVP Sales & Marketing Europe

+46 470-75 89 62
+46 70-558 73 31
magnus.lind [at]

Mattias Kjellsson


+46 470-75 88 07
+46 70-355 88 07
mattias.kjellsson [at]

Fredrik Wolff

SVP Product Development

0470-75 88 36
070-695 88 17
fredrik.wolff [at]

Helén Fransson


+46 470-75 88 04
+46 70-686 88 04
helen.fransson [at]




Environment & Quality

Environmental issues are high on the agenda. Companies, organisations, government agencies and individuals are putting increasing emphasis on environmental aspects in their business relationships. We think this is good. At IV Produkt we are working long term on building a sustainable business that creates value for our customers. Through our products, our focus on life cycle costs (LCC) and the way we act, we are contributing to a more sustainable world, where we can conserve the Earth’s resources. In support of our work, we have quality assured operations in accordance with ISO 9001 and have introduced an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001.

Our environmental policy in brief

  • At IV Produkt we aim to minimise the burden on the environment and on people’s health. The products we manufacture should contribute to a sustainable ecological development.
  • We work actively with environmental issues in all parts of the business, for example, through information and education. Suggestions for improvement should be encouraged.
  • We must reduce the destruction of the environment, through measures that include increasing the utilisation ratio of raw materials and energy and reducing the amount of waste.
  • Our work on environment and health must exceed what is specified in legislation, rules, permits and conditions. This will be done by regularly reviewing our activities from an environmental protection point of view and suggesting improvements in processes, products, material selection, organisation and procedures.
  • When making decisions on investments, new construction and renovations or other changes, we consider environmental and health issues, risks and consequences.
  • We will take care of all environmental matters quickly. Interested parties will be informed and we will promote an open dialogue and keep knowledge about environmental protection easily accessible.
  • We will strive to constantly develop our products in order to minimise impact on the environment and health, throughout their full life cycle.

What we can affect

The basis for our environmental work is that each department identifies different environmental aspects. Management then uses this as a basis for determining the environmental aspects to be included in our environmental management program. Environmental aspects are taken into consideration continuously and always in connection with construction, development and purchasing of products and components.



Training and follow-up

Our environmental management system is kept alive in connection with management reviews. To further ensure our environmental work we conduct continuous training in environmental issues. Training courses are adapted to our different work areas in order to achieve the optimum effect.

Priority areas

IV Produkt has identified five key areas in which we can control our environmental impact:

  • Energy recycling
  • Chemicals
  • Use of raw materials
  • System for sorting waste types at source
  • Freight transport

Quality in all stages

The concept of quality permeates all work at IV Produkt. We want to be associated with quality in relation to our manufacturing, marketing, and customer service. By being clear in our quotations, we create security and confidence. We go through technical and economic specifications with the customer in order to avoid misunderstandings. If there are requests for special adaptations we add specialist skills. When an order is received, it is checked and any deviation is approved and signed by the Engineering Department. When everything is ready, the customer will receive an order confirmation in which IV Produkt reports that we can carry out the order according to the customer’s requirements.

Our goal is to always build in quality when we develop new products. We prioritise technical solutions where we can verify the reliability and monitor product safety and environmental aspects continuously during construction work. By focusing on the lifetime cost, we create sustainable value for the customer while also conserving the Earth’s resources.

Related documents

ISO 9001 Certificate

ISO 14001 Certificate

Download our Sustainability Report for 2024 (.pdf)


The way we are

At IV Produkt, we have decided to make a difference for our customers and for the environment. Our values determine the way we interact with each other, our customers and suppliers and the community.


We dare to think in new ways and always strive to improve our products and processes. By finding our own unique solutions we lead instead of following the evolution.



You can rely on us. Whether you are a customer, colleague or supplier, IV Produkt always stands for reliability.



IV Produkt is unlike any other company.

Since the owners are in the midst of the business it is characterised by long-term decisions. This ensures that we are successful not only today but also a strong player for the future.


At IV Produkt we care about each other and our environment. Thanks to our products, we contribute to a more sustainable world by saving the earth's resourses.



At IV Produkt we create value. Through environmental and energy efficient products, we create high-value solutions that make a difference to our customers and our community.



At IV Produkt we set high standards for ourselves and want to exceed expectations in everything we do. We value responsibility and by sharing knowledge, we grow together.

Press room

Here, you'll find media related content, including logotypes and pictures.

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Media Contact

Mattias Sjöberg

+46 470-75 88 60
+ 46 70-630 75 33
mattias.sjoberg [at]


Logotype och pictures

The pictures may not be used without permission from IV Produkt. For permission, pictures in different file formats/resolutions or other questions, please reach out to our Media Contact.



We want our logotype to be clearly visible and not to disappear amongst surrounding objects. Therefore, it is to be published on a light single colour background, with a padding of at least the height of the letter P in Produkt.

.png .eps
Logo with payoff
.png .ai
Example of padding


CEO och Head Office

Mattias Sjöberg, CEO Head Office, Växjö
Aerial photo, Head Office, Växjö Head Office, Växjö


Available positions

Do you want to work in an industry of the future?

It is important that our employees thrive, have fun and feel proud to work at IV Produkt. As a privately owned company, we work from a long-term perspective and strive to create a good working environment where every individual has the opportunity to grow. IV Produkt has expanded rapidly in recent years and we are always looking for dedicated and skilled employees. Do you want to be involved in developing IV Produkt?


Interested in working with us but can't find any openings? Please send us an expression of interest or subscribe to get information about available positions!

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If you are studying at a highschool, college or university, you will find all the information and exciting projects here.

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