As the entire cooling process is integrated in the air handling unit, there was no need to install unsightly chillers on...
The “Victoria Mill”, built in 1898, stands on the banks of the Spree. The rental space of the historic building complex with its listed facade posed several challenges. We were able to offer an innovative, integrated solution that not only solved problems, but also created new possibilities.
Sven Klafack, Managing Director of Delta T Kälte- Klima- & Lüftstechnik GmbH, reports on the challenges involved in converting the old mill:
“The original concept envisaged ventilation and air extraction in the interior rooms only, with flat devices for ceiling installation. It quickly became clear, however, that we were reaching the limits of what was feasible, because we would have found it very difficult to accommodate the units due to the volumes of air involved. For the summer, we also needed cooling capacity – that would not have worked with flat roof. Outdoor and facade installations were not possible.”
Large control centers were also out of the question – fitting them in the historic building required small parts and extremely compact dimensions.
We finally came up with a solution incorporating air handling units from the Envistar Top range with integrated ThermoCooler HP reversible heat pump or integrated EcoCooler cooling unit.
Sven Klafack explains:
“The devices offered several solutions at once. We ensure the necessary air exchange – something that has become even more important in the wake of the pandemic. In this way, with 100 % filtered fresh air, we can reduce the thermal loads that arise in summer and deliver the necessary heating output in winter. We were also impressed by the low noise levels of the units. The compact dimensions of the fully integrated units are an additional plus, and the heat recovery saves us huge amounts of energy.”
From the left: Sven Klafack (Delta T), Daniel Terhorst (diffferent).
Photo: Marc Vorwerk
The energy efficiency impressed the client as well. The building complex is now the office of strategy consultancy “diffferent”, and Daniel Terhorst, Head of Business Operations, explains further:
“The investment that has been made here should not be underestimated. We recover energy and work with fresh air – these are huge benefits. We can offer our employees a comfortable and sustainable indoor climate.”
Photo at the top of the page: Marc Vorwerk