We are happy to collaborate with students who want to use and develop their theoretical knowledge in reality. The student projects provide us as a company with both input and knowledge while giving you as a student reality-based experience.
For IV Produkt, a well-functioning collaboration with students of different ages, different seats of learning and different specialisations is especially important. We see a direct benefit in students being able to develop within the theoretical world with the help of reality-based projects. At the same time as acquainting ourselves with the latest theory advances our development; students have on several occasions presented improvement suggestions that we have been able to use to enhance our business.
We are a company that is happy to accept trainees from both high school and colleges/universities. However, to be able to best help both students and trainees, we cannot guarantee a place to everyone who applies, since we must allocate according to needs and our own capacity.
Below you can read a few examples of what previous students have presented in their reports in connection with degree projects and courses with us. We have a broad business and can collaborate with students in areas other than those we have chosen to present here.
If you are interested in carrying out your degree project or project work with us, interview one of us in a course, or use us as a case company, you are welcome to apply for a placement below. Please enclose information about the course and preferably provide some information about yourself. It is important that you specify the period during which the work/project is expected to be carried out. We will try to get back to you as soon as we can.
List of current projects
Contact us
Welcome to contact us with your questions regarding degree projects!

Emma Wernesjö
HR Partner
emma.wernesjo [at] ivprodukt.se (subject: ivprodukt.se%2Fstudent) (Send an email)
Examples of degree projects with us
Working methods for efficient training of new production personnel
This degree project examines and tests a new way of working in production.
Categorising articles with ABC Classification
This degree project highlights the role of the ABC Classification for purchasers.
Examples of projects within courses with us
Supply Chain Management
A project in this course provides an understanding of the relationship between different departments in a company and an overall picture of central Supply Chain Management.
Facility Planning
A project in this course provides an understanding of and describes a specific facility’s planning processes with the main focus on one primary process.